Monday, December 14, 2009

Sisterhood of Dreamers into Doers Shelter Event

Getting the word out about this great project started by Enchanted Makeovers and currently being championed by the fabulous women of Dreamers into Doers. A fitting name if there ever was, these women are absolutely DOERS, not content to sit and watch, but jumping in with both feet, and truly an inspiration.

The Sisterhood of Dreamers into Doers Shelter Event NYC
On January 19th, 2010, 40 women from around the U.S. who are part of the Dreamers Into Doers group at will make a difference at a New York women's shelter for domestic violence called Safe Horizon. Each will share her God given talents at this event. For some, this will mean cooking or baking delectable treats; for others, this will mean handcrafting personal gifts; and still others will share stories and songs. We all need to stand apart.
You can help Enchanted Makeovers bring hope to the women and children at the shelter by donating items on our dream list below.
Please do not ship donations to Enchanted Makeovers location will have the New York shipping address in the upcoming week.
Have an idea or suggestion on donating an item but don't see it on the dream list please contact Terry.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Samples, samples and more samples

It's that time. Time to get all my sales samples and made. And let me tell you, it's not without it's share of serious anxiety producing stress. I knew it was something I was going to have to do, but until we got our 2 reps on board(oh yes, I have people now - whoohoo), did I realize the enormity of it. Three full sets of the line needed to be ordered for the shows starting in January(oh yes - I'll be in shows - BIG whoohoo). But that too has it's own problems, being told that one of them was out of stock till after the first of the year. Fall back plan, scour the internet for the next best thing. Jackpot when I found 10 yards from another source. At a higher price, but at least I would get samples made in time. Thankfully, the factory has already started cutting and the fabric is on it's way.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our First Review

We were so excited to get our first review online!! Thank yo to Upscale Baby for saying some nice things about us. Take a look at Upscale Baby and let us know what you think.
Hopefully we'll have more in the near future as the word gets out.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Want to get Bamboozled

Thank goodness I didn't get my labels ordered(when I actually should have) otherwise I'd have to have 1/2 of them re-done. As it stands I really need to get more plugged into the business end of the, otherwise I will miss very important things.
The latest would be the labeling change for "bamboo" material. Seems that some products that are made of and have the inherent beneficial qualities of bamboo aren't really that . The bamboo fiber has been reconstituted to a point that certain claims, (i.e. wicking, fast drying, antimicrobial) can no longer be made.
I checked with the supplier I am using and indeed while they do employ a "better" retrieval method for bamboo fiber/pulp in the knit fabric I was using, it now needs to be labeled "bamboo viscose." Personally this doesn't change my feeling about using it, the benefits of it as a raw material,(no pesticides and easily replenished) in my mind still make it a sustainable fabric.
Thankfully, the denim twill pants are able to still be labeled as "bamboo" as the bamboo is processed in a method similar to hemp or linen, where the raw material is broken down mechanically into fibers and then processed into yarn.
It's always something.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finito...for a moment

Finally finished updating the website and was all excited about it. That was until I received a call from one of the production places that I put a call into. Very nice lady, incredibly informative and helpful, but after a lengthy conversation am feeling pretty discouraged. I really wanted to get information on pricing and from what she said, seems like the price I have is pretty much what I am looking at to produce the line. It is so much higher than I ever anticipated and am hoping that I have not been spinning my wheels on something that will be too expensive to produce.
I am not giving up, but I have to rethink the next step and how to proceed.
The site looks great though, don't ya think?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Updating and Other Tedious Projects

After getting all the the samples done, it only took me 2 weeks to get pictures of them. Perhaps I was dreading the arduous task of updating the website with new layouts. I still need to get the flat pictures done and I am putting that off. This is the part I don't like to do.
I have to say that I am happy with how the line looks and the samples room did a great job with the sewing, for the most part. I am currently however needing to find a source for less expensive production. The place I am using is pricing out MUCh higher than i anticipating so I am having to look for an alternate source. I definitely want to keep it in the US, and preferably in NY but that might not work out. Have to consider the bottom line, and what the final garment will retail at so... the search begins.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

THe First Sample

Well it's been a long process and an interesting learning experience to get from design idea to finished sample, but it has finally all come together. The first sample is done and I think it's soo cute....well maybe I am biased but.
It's made from Soy, Organic cotton and a touch of lycra or Bamboo, Organic cotton depending on the color, soft pink, sage green, cream and a rich brown.
As this is the first line we are, unfortunately, at the the mercy of what fabrics can be found, relatively inexpensive, and am limited to the colors and content. As Schuylark grows I will be looking to change everything to be completely organic, and hopefully offer some new great prints and colors as well.
All that being said, the rest of the salesman samples are be started as we speak and I am so excited to see the whole line together. Labels need to be ordered, and placements set, looking into a place to pre-wash some of the fabric that I think might benefit by being a little softer. Hopefully it will all be done by the end of the month, that's what I am shooting for, as I think that will right on target for Spring 10.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Fabric is Coming

Wouldn't you know, my fabric will arrive when I leave town on vacation. Drat! I was really hoping it was going to be here sooner but thanks to UPS rescheduling, again, it's now going to get here Monday. Also, have my first mock up done by the sample maker but will have to wait to see that as well. This vacation is thing is getting in the way of business....hmmmm, not complaining. But am excited to get this going a little quicker now. After I come back it'll be real push time. In the meantime I am getting my hangtag and labels designed. It's so much easier doing it for someone else. I tend to re-do my own 10,000 times before I decide on something. NOT good time management skills, but I do like how the latest version is looking, so that's a plus.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go Green or Go Home, or Go Green AT Home

When we decided to start a business it made sense that we did something that was "earth friendly". Not just another line of clothing, which was what I had originally intended. After thinking about it for some time, using organic, natural fabric just seemed like the right thing to do. It was also in my mind to be an example for my children. To do something that helps to make a difference in the world, no matter how small you might think it is, is at least better than doing nothing at all.
So in that consciousness we have changed other areas of our lives as well. Last year we started our own garden. It's small, but we have plans to expand it as we get more knowledge about organic gardening. We have a great yard for it and the room to grow all the thing we love to eat. Last year we had about 10 million tomatoes and beans(beginners over planting) so this year we diversified into smaller quantities of other vegetables. Spinach, kale, peppers as well as some cantaloupe and watermelon. The kids loved to go and pick stuff right off the vine and eat it and I think it's great for them to be able to experience that.
We also just installed, after soooo much deliberation, our solar hot water and PV systems. I can't tell you how cool it is to see that meter running backwards on a sunny day. We had already started the practice of turning off lights and such when we leave a room, and now it's even more fun to see how fast we get that dial to go in the opposite direction.
These things are just a few of the bigger things we did, and maybe not everyone can, but there are all sorts of little things as well that can be done everyday, you know, taking your own bags to the grocery store, and recycling the ones you do have to use. Purchasing recycled paper products, I know that the TP isn't Charmin soft, but it's TP for cryin out loud. Finding cleaning products that have eco-friendly ingredients, composting your scraps, collecting rain water to water your plants. We may not always do it, but every time you do the feeling that you get is so great that it compels you to want to do more, and more, and more. Like buying clothing that is made from organic sustainable fabrics and made with fair trade practices...yeah, that's it!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fabric and lots of it

After getting all my paperwork behind me and finding my 2 sample guys, I ordered all my organic fabric today...oh so scary and exciting at the same time. I can't wait to get my first samples done and see how they look done professionally.
Also, preparing for my sons birthday party in between works things. I got a little obsessive about the Darth Vader pinata, but love how it came out. Made it all out of recycled stuff we just happened to have around the house...guess being pack rats comes in handy sometimes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Productive Week

After finally getting all my paper work in order it was off to NYC to meet with a couple of pattern/sample maker. I met with Walter first and really liked him. He is definitely an old school, down to earth kind of guy. I went over all the samples with him and he was very encouraging. He will work up the prices and then we'll go from there. I also met with another sample maker and left him the little swing coat to start with. I should have the revised muslin by next week and again we'll se how it goes. 
It's very exciting to get to this point, and I can't wait to see the first samples.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today is the rally in Washington! Wish I could go but alas, will have to settle for watching it live at Let get this thing over and done with already so we can concentrate on trying to build businesses that will actually help the economy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Best Layed Plans....Still waiting for my official documents and am kicking myself that I didn't do all this sooner. I want to get this going but am stuck in a holding pattern till all this paper work is done. Ugh, I am however getting some good ideas for the next line and am going forward with the process so at least something productive is coming out of it. 
Also, have a good start on the website, and am happy at how it's looking. I had to cajole Dylan into standing still long enough to get some pictures taken of her in one of the samples, not an easy task, but she did and I now have a very cute picture of her on the site. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Start at the beginning, it's a very fine place to start,.... just wish I had followed that advice a year ago. I am at the point of ordering fabric when I realize that I need tax and permit information that I just don't have. So spent the week researching and filling out forms. I have my FEIN #, applied for my Authority to Collect Sales Tax, my exempt from sales tax for ordering supplies, an RN # and my Application for Apparel Industry Certification. Guess they want to make sure I'm not a sweat shop. Although I don't pay myself a decent wage I'm not going to complain. I'm sure I'll find something that I forgot but for now I think that covers it. I already have a DBA so got that covered. This week, I'll follow up and get everything finalized and then get to ordering my sample yardage. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Sample

Back on Track

Ok, so it's been awhile since the last post. Seems like forever ago that I wasn't sure if I could continue with this adventure, and now that it looks like I will be able to, I'm finding it hard to get the momentum going again. The CPSIA has been pushed off mandatory testing for a year, to give them time to figure out what materials can be exempt. But it looks like most fabrics will be so that's a big relief. Now it's time to find lead free trim and such so it's off to NYC for a scouting trip.
Here we go...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Letter From Etsy

So I missed the blog day for the CPSIA, but better late than never.
As parents and concerned citizens I’m sure most of us at one time or another have been confronted with the question of lead poisoning. But have you asked yourself what your government is doing to protect your children from lead contained in toys? The answer? They're banning toys, taking books from schools and libraries, hurting low income families, killing entrepreneurial spirit and risking putting the economy in an even greater depression than we've seen in decades. I'd like to introduce you to their solution: the CPSIA.

Do you know about the CPSIA? No? Then I ask you to take a few minutes to find out about it.

The CPSIA stands for Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, a new set of laws that will come into effect on 10 February, 2009 and will impact many, many people in a negative way. Make no mistake, this is very real. View it for yourself. If Forbes, the American Library Association and numerous other media are paying attention, perhaps you should too.

How will these new laws affect you? Well, here are a few examples:

To the Parents of Young Students:
Due to the new law, expect to see the cost of school supplies sky rocket. While those paper clips weren't originally intended for your student to use, they will need to be tested now that your 11-year-old needs them for his school project. This law applies to any and all school supplies (textbooks, pencils, crayons, paper, etc.) being used by children under 12.

To the Avid Reader:
Due to the new law, all children's books will be pulled from library and school shelves, as there is no exemption for them. That’s okay though, there's always television. Our children don’t need to learn the love of reading after all.
Article from the American Library Association

To the Lover of All Things Handmade:
Due to the new law, you will now be given a cotton ball and an instruction manual so you can make it yourself since that blanket you originally had your eye on for $50 will now cost you around $1,000 after it's passed testing. It won't even be the one-of-a-kind blanket you were hoping for. Items are destroyed in the testing process making one-of-a-kind items virtually impossible. So that gorgeous hand-knit hat you bought your child this past winter won’t be available next winter.

To the Environmentalist:
Due to the new law, all items in non-compliance will now be dumped into our already overflowing landfills. Imagine not just products from the small business owners, but the Big Box Stores as well. You can't sell it so you must toss it. Or be potentially sued for selling it. You can't even give them away. If you are caught, it is still a violation.

To the Second-Hand Shopper:
Due to the new law, you will now need to spend $20 for that brand new pair of jeans for your 2-year old, rather than shop at the Goodwill for second hand. Many resale shops are eliminating children's items all together to avoid future lawsuits.

To the Entrepreneur:
Due to this new law, you will be forced to adhere to strict testing of your unique products or discontinue to make and/or sell them. Small businesses will be likely to be unable to afford the cost of testing and be forced to close up shop. Due to the current economic state, you'll have to hope for the best when it comes to finding a new job in Corporate America.

To the Antique Toy Collector:
Due to the new law, you'd better start buying now because it's all going to private collection and will no longer be available to purchase. “Because the new rules apply retroactively, toys and clothes already on the shelf will have to be thrown out if they aren't certified as safe.”

To the American Economy:
Already struggling under an economy that hasn’t been this weak in decades, the American economy will be hit harder with the inevitable loss of jobs and revenues from suppliers, small businesses and consumers. The required testing is far too costly and restrictive for small businesses or individuals to undertake.

To the Worldwide Economy:
Due to this new law, many foreign manufacturers have already pulled out of the US market. You can imagine the impact of this on their businesses.

If you think this is exaggerating, here is a recent article from Forbes

And for those of you prepared to be stupefied and boggled, The New Law

Did you know? If this upsets you, please react.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Head spinning and other maladies

Ok, I thought I knew what was going on with the new CPSC law, but if you blink right now, you'll miss something for sure. Oops, I blinked, but thanks to Kathleen Fasanella over on I am getting back up to speed. She's a great source of all things fashion/business related and has been interpreting the latest breaking developments on the new law in a way that is very understandable. But now it's causing me angst of what this new law will require me to do in addition to all the other things I'm doing. I never thought this was going to be an easy thing, but now am wondering if it's going to even be possible. Ugh, I knew I should have started this years ago. At least at this point I would be dealing with all the outside factors(i.e. tanking economy, new testing requirements) with a base of knowledge if my product would be viable or not, by it's own right, and not because of things I can't control. Women's wear is always an option, hmmmm

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lead Testing for Children's Products

Well it looks like the CPSC is looking at the negative effect the proposed ban on lead content and required testing would have on certain businesses and the smaller maker of children's products. Thankfully they are listening to the industry leaders and may be changing their requirements. This is good news for the smaller craft, home based or just smaller manufacturer, that would have been devastated by the testing cost originally put forth by the CPSC. 
And while no one is suggesting that we overlook the need to reduce/eliminate lead and other toxins from products children come in contact with, certain materials inherently don't contain these types of toxins and should be excluded from costly testing. This is link to a recent posting that explains what the CSPC is looking into now, if I'm reading it correctly, this is a good thing.

Felted Wool Projects

Here are a couple of the latest projects I completed using recycled/reclaimed, whatever you want to call it, wool sweaters that were felted and given new life. The sweater was made for my husbands cousin in Holland, and was personalized for her son "S is for Sigur". 
The booties were a result of extra little pieces of sweater I had from other projects that were too small to use, but too big to just throw away. I am a notorious pack rat when it come to scraps and stuff, so I need to find more small things to make to use it all up, you know, when I'm not working on a website, this blog or, oh yeah, starting a clothing line. 
Anyway, they were fun to do and will hopefully do more.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

One Step Closer

With much thanks to Patchwork Pottery for the tutorial on how to make these lables. To actually see how easy they were made me pull out all my available materials and give it a go. I think I need to experiment more but they are just what I'm looking for and saves a heck of a lot of money on custom tags for when you are starting out. Every little bit helps!!


So it's a brand new year and time for all those new ideas to get realized. First one, starting this blog. A place to record the ups, downs and in-betweens of starting an organic clothing business. Named after my daughter, and reluctant muse, I felt it was time to launch into this before it was 10 years down the road and feeling that I coulda, shoulda....