Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Updating and Other Tedious Projects

After getting all the the samples done, it only took me 2 weeks to get pictures of them. Perhaps I was dreading the arduous task of updating the website with new layouts. I still need to get the flat pictures done and I am putting that off. This is the part I don't like to do.
I have to say that I am happy with how the line looks and the samples room did a great job with the sewing, for the most part. I am currently however needing to find a source for less expensive production. The place I am using is pricing out MUCh higher than i anticipating so I am having to look for an alternate source. I definitely want to keep it in the US, and preferably in NY but that might not work out. Have to consider the bottom line, and what the final garment will retail at so... the search begins.

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