Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Fabric is Coming

Wouldn't you know, my fabric will arrive when I leave town on vacation. Drat! I was really hoping it was going to be here sooner but thanks to UPS rescheduling, again, it's now going to get here Monday. Also, have my first mock up done by the sample maker but will have to wait to see that as well. This vacation is thing is getting in the way of business....hmmmm, not complaining. But am excited to get this going a little quicker now. After I come back it'll be real push time. In the meantime I am getting my hangtag and labels designed. It's so much easier doing it for someone else. I tend to re-do my own 10,000 times before I decide on something. NOT good time management skills, but I do like how the latest version is looking, so that's a plus.

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