Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Want to get Bamboozled

Thank goodness I didn't get my labels ordered(when I actually should have) otherwise I'd have to have 1/2 of them re-done. As it stands I really need to get more plugged into the business end of the, otherwise I will miss very important things.
The latest would be the labeling change for "bamboo" material. Seems that some products that are made of and have the inherent beneficial qualities of bamboo aren't really that . The bamboo fiber has been reconstituted to a point that certain claims, (i.e. wicking, fast drying, antimicrobial) can no longer be made.
I checked with the supplier I am using and indeed while they do employ a "better" retrieval method for bamboo fiber/pulp in the knit fabric I was using, it now needs to be labeled "bamboo viscose." Personally this doesn't change my feeling about using it, the benefits of it as a raw material,(no pesticides and easily replenished) in my mind still make it a sustainable fabric.
Thankfully, the denim twill pants are able to still be labeled as "bamboo" as the bamboo is processed in a method similar to hemp or linen, where the raw material is broken down mechanically into fibers and then processed into yarn.
It's always something.....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finito...for a moment

Finally finished updating the website and was all excited about it. That was until I received a call from one of the production places that I put a call into. Very nice lady, incredibly informative and helpful, but after a lengthy conversation am feeling pretty discouraged. I really wanted to get information on pricing and from what she said, seems like the price I have is pretty much what I am looking at to produce the line. It is so much higher than I ever anticipated and am hoping that I have not been spinning my wheels on something that will be too expensive to produce.
I am not giving up, but I have to rethink the next step and how to proceed.
The site looks great though, don't ya think?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Updating and Other Tedious Projects

After getting all the the samples done, it only took me 2 weeks to get pictures of them. Perhaps I was dreading the arduous task of updating the website with new layouts. I still need to get the flat pictures done and I am putting that off. This is the part I don't like to do.
I have to say that I am happy with how the line looks and the samples room did a great job with the sewing, for the most part. I am currently however needing to find a source for less expensive production. The place I am using is pricing out MUCh higher than i anticipating so I am having to look for an alternate source. I definitely want to keep it in the US, and preferably in NY but that might not work out. Have to consider the bottom line, and what the final garment will retail at so... the search begins.