Saturday, February 6, 2010


The waiting game is over, at least for now. I got my first order from a childrens boutique in Garberville CA. Thank you, Garberville!! It's a small one but I am so excited to have the first one in. I believe this calls for some celebrating.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Waiting Game Continues

Soooo, Dallas and LA didn't go as expected. Reps said business was slow even for established lines. For a new line that's not good. They did get interest for buying in March, which is the real Fall buying time...more waiting.
Dallas rep is on the road for 6 weeks so we'll see what that brings.....something I hope.
Starting to work on a press release to get the name out there and create some kind of interest, even if it's only locally. Although I would love to get some national press I have to figure out where to submit for that.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Shows

You would think I would have a lot to say, and usually I do. However remembering to write it all down it another story. So, I am making a new attempt to post at least once a day, and be a little more diligent about it.

So here, goes. Today I will hopefully hear some good news from my Dallas sales rep. The Dallas Apparel Market was last week till yesterday. I am pretty sure it was more for Spring 2010 immediates but if it was anything like the LA market, they will at least have shown the Fall line and will have some type of feedback. JulieAnn was very excited to get the line and I think she will be a good match for Dallas to sell it. I just really want to have an order coming, although it's early still. I HATE WAITING!!

Also, just updated the website and added the last two add on pieces to a JACKETS tab. I think they are great. My friends think they are great, I just want buyers to think they are great as well. Again it's a waiting game.

Time to start thinking about Spring 2011, hard when it's freezing here and even spring 2010 seems so far away. But I need to get started with development. Which means more money spent and more stress. But I do love it...I better at this point cause it's past the trying it out stage and now deep into making it work stage. Which it will, keep thinking positive!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sisterhood of Dreamers into Doers Shelter Event

Getting the word out about this great project started by Enchanted Makeovers and currently being championed by the fabulous women of Dreamers into Doers. A fitting name if there ever was, these women are absolutely DOERS, not content to sit and watch, but jumping in with both feet, and truly an inspiration.

The Sisterhood of Dreamers into Doers Shelter Event NYC
On January 19th, 2010, 40 women from around the U.S. who are part of the Dreamers Into Doers group at will make a difference at a New York women's shelter for domestic violence called Safe Horizon. Each will share her God given talents at this event. For some, this will mean cooking or baking delectable treats; for others, this will mean handcrafting personal gifts; and still others will share stories and songs. We all need to stand apart.
You can help Enchanted Makeovers bring hope to the women and children at the shelter by donating items on our dream list below.
Please do not ship donations to Enchanted Makeovers location will have the New York shipping address in the upcoming week.
Have an idea or suggestion on donating an item but don't see it on the dream list please contact Terry.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Samples, samples and more samples

It's that time. Time to get all my sales samples and made. And let me tell you, it's not without it's share of serious anxiety producing stress. I knew it was something I was going to have to do, but until we got our 2 reps on board(oh yes, I have people now - whoohoo), did I realize the enormity of it. Three full sets of the line needed to be ordered for the shows starting in January(oh yes - I'll be in shows - BIG whoohoo). But that too has it's own problems, being told that one of them was out of stock till after the first of the year. Fall back plan, scour the internet for the next best thing. Jackpot when I found 10 yards from another source. At a higher price, but at least I would get samples made in time. Thankfully, the factory has already started cutting and the fabric is on it's way.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our First Review

We were so excited to get our first review online!! Thank yo to Upscale Baby for saying some nice things about us. Take a look at Upscale Baby and let us know what you think.
Hopefully we'll have more in the near future as the word gets out.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Want to get Bamboozled

Thank goodness I didn't get my labels ordered(when I actually should have) otherwise I'd have to have 1/2 of them re-done. As it stands I really need to get more plugged into the business end of the, otherwise I will miss very important things.
The latest would be the labeling change for "bamboo" material. Seems that some products that are made of and have the inherent beneficial qualities of bamboo aren't really that . The bamboo fiber has been reconstituted to a point that certain claims, (i.e. wicking, fast drying, antimicrobial) can no longer be made.
I checked with the supplier I am using and indeed while they do employ a "better" retrieval method for bamboo fiber/pulp in the knit fabric I was using, it now needs to be labeled "bamboo viscose." Personally this doesn't change my feeling about using it, the benefits of it as a raw material,(no pesticides and easily replenished) in my mind still make it a sustainable fabric.
Thankfully, the denim twill pants are able to still be labeled as "bamboo" as the bamboo is processed in a method similar to hemp or linen, where the raw material is broken down mechanically into fibers and then processed into yarn.
It's always something.....