Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Fabric is Coming

Wouldn't you know, my fabric will arrive when I leave town on vacation. Drat! I was really hoping it was going to be here sooner but thanks to UPS rescheduling, again, it's now going to get here Monday. Also, have my first mock up done by the sample maker but will have to wait to see that as well. This vacation is thing is getting in the way of business....hmmmm, not complaining. But am excited to get this going a little quicker now. After I come back it'll be real push time. In the meantime I am getting my hangtag and labels designed. It's so much easier doing it for someone else. I tend to re-do my own 10,000 times before I decide on something. NOT good time management skills, but I do like how the latest version is looking, so that's a plus.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go Green or Go Home, or Go Green AT Home

When we decided to start a business it made sense that we did something that was "earth friendly". Not just another line of clothing, which was what I had originally intended. After thinking about it for some time, using organic, natural fabric just seemed like the right thing to do. It was also in my mind to be an example for my children. To do something that helps to make a difference in the world, no matter how small you might think it is, is at least better than doing nothing at all.
So in that consciousness we have changed other areas of our lives as well. Last year we started our own garden. It's small, but we have plans to expand it as we get more knowledge about organic gardening. We have a great yard for it and the room to grow all the thing we love to eat. Last year we had about 10 million tomatoes and beans(beginners over planting) so this year we diversified into smaller quantities of other vegetables. Spinach, kale, peppers as well as some cantaloupe and watermelon. The kids loved to go and pick stuff right off the vine and eat it and I think it's great for them to be able to experience that.
We also just installed, after soooo much deliberation, our solar hot water and PV systems. I can't tell you how cool it is to see that meter running backwards on a sunny day. We had already started the practice of turning off lights and such when we leave a room, and now it's even more fun to see how fast we get that dial to go in the opposite direction.
These things are just a few of the bigger things we did, and maybe not everyone can, but there are all sorts of little things as well that can be done everyday, you know, taking your own bags to the grocery store, and recycling the ones you do have to use. Purchasing recycled paper products, I know that the TP isn't Charmin soft, but it's TP for cryin out loud. Finding cleaning products that have eco-friendly ingredients, composting your scraps, collecting rain water to water your plants. We may not always do it, but every time you do the feeling that you get is so great that it compels you to want to do more, and more, and more. Like buying clothing that is made from organic sustainable fabrics and made with fair trade practices...yeah, that's it!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fabric and lots of it

After getting all my paperwork behind me and finding my 2 sample guys, I ordered all my organic fabric today...oh so scary and exciting at the same time. I can't wait to get my first samples done and see how they look done professionally.
Also, preparing for my sons birthday party in between works things. I got a little obsessive about the Darth Vader pinata, but love how it came out. Made it all out of recycled stuff we just happened to have around the house...guess being pack rats comes in handy sometimes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Productive Week

After finally getting all my paper work in order it was off to NYC to meet with a couple of pattern/sample maker. I met with Walter first and really liked him. He is definitely an old school, down to earth kind of guy. I went over all the samples with him and he was very encouraging. He will work up the prices and then we'll go from there. I also met with another sample maker and left him the little swing coat to start with. I should have the revised muslin by next week and again we'll se how it goes. 
It's very exciting to get to this point, and I can't wait to see the first samples.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today is the rally in Washington! Wish I could go but alas, will have to settle for watching it live at Let get this thing over and done with already so we can concentrate on trying to build businesses that will actually help the economy.