Saturday, July 11, 2009

THe First Sample

Well it's been a long process and an interesting learning experience to get from design idea to finished sample, but it has finally all come together. The first sample is done and I think it's soo cute....well maybe I am biased but.
It's made from Soy, Organic cotton and a touch of lycra or Bamboo, Organic cotton depending on the color, soft pink, sage green, cream and a rich brown.
As this is the first line we are, unfortunately, at the the mercy of what fabrics can be found, relatively inexpensive, and am limited to the colors and content. As Schuylark grows I will be looking to change everything to be completely organic, and hopefully offer some new great prints and colors as well.
All that being said, the rest of the salesman samples are be started as we speak and I am so excited to see the whole line together. Labels need to be ordered, and placements set, looking into a place to pre-wash some of the fabric that I think might benefit by being a little softer. Hopefully it will all be done by the end of the month, that's what I am shooting for, as I think that will right on target for Spring 10.