Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Best Layed Plans....Still waiting for my official documents and am kicking myself that I didn't do all this sooner. I want to get this going but am stuck in a holding pattern till all this paper work is done. Ugh, I am however getting some good ideas for the next line and am going forward with the process so at least something productive is coming out of it. 
Also, have a good start on the website, and am happy at how it's looking. I had to cajole Dylan into standing still long enough to get some pictures taken of her in one of the samples, not an easy task, but she did and I now have a very cute picture of her on the site. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Start at the beginning, it's a very fine place to start,.... just wish I had followed that advice a year ago. I am at the point of ordering fabric when I realize that I need tax and permit information that I just don't have. So spent the week researching and filling out forms. I have my FEIN #, applied for my Authority to Collect Sales Tax, my exempt from sales tax for ordering supplies, an RN # and my Application for Apparel Industry Certification. Guess they want to make sure I'm not a sweat shop. Although I don't pay myself a decent wage I'm not going to complain. I'm sure I'll find something that I forgot but for now I think that covers it. I already have a DBA so got that covered. This week, I'll follow up and get everything finalized and then get to ordering my sample yardage.